🌈 Pal Types: All Elements

Pal Types: All Elements

In Palworld, creatures are classified into different Pal types (opens in a new tab), also referred to as the Pal's element. These Pal types or elements play a crucial role in determining the strengths and weaknesses of each species, making it essential to understand their mechanics before engaging in battles.

There are a total of nine Pal types, each representing different elements such as 'grass', 'water', or 'dark'. It's worth noting that multiple Pal species can fall under the same Pal type, and the effects remain consistent across them. Below is the comprehensive list of Pal element types.

Note that Fire is the only element type with 2 strengths! This makes Fire type Pals one of the best Pals to have in your party. Fire/Dragon types are an especially strong combination, as Dragon's Ice vulnerability is negated by the Fire typing, so these Pals are super effective against 3 element types and only weak to one (Water).

Palworld Elements

Pal Element Type Overview

Pal Element Type Overview

Looking for skills and work suitability instead? Take a look at our Pal traits guide!